Friday, September 17, 2010

Kick in the teeth...

this week has been extremely emotional and much like being back in high school. I've been betrayed by someone I trusted, and I've also betrayed/ hurt someone who claims to care for me more that I realized. Honestly, I don't know which hurts more; being the betrayer or the betrayee! This week has inspired some important life decisions, too; I think there's finally the true motivation to make some changes in my life and seek new things. I've learned that you can not put blind faith in people simply because they accept your friend request, that people don't safeguard their spaces, and most importantly, that it's better to deal with a problem/person than just suck it up and vent. I've also learned that even if I tell myself I am not listening to someone's gossip, if I hear it repeatedly then it becomes subconscious subterfuge that affects my way of thinking. Guess what,guys? I've realized I am not strong enough in my convictions to hear stuff over and over and not buy into it; as much as that realization disappoints me, I am glad to learn it and the aforementioned lessons now before I get too old to chalk it up to young stupidity.

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